Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not too big of a Big Boy

Only my son. Nah - only my husband's son. Yeah, that's better.

We converted Little Man's crib to a toddler bed this morning. It didn't start out as a "we" but it did turn into a "we" to include Little Man supervising our every move. He has the arm waves, sighs and eye rolls down perfectly.

He loved it. While I rearranged the rest of his room (bye bye changing table too. It was storing dust and other items we hadn't used in ages), he sat on his bed and read. We did a good job of making a big deal about his new big boy bed so I thought nap time would go smoothly. Not quite what I planned but not bad either. No luck after a snuggle so I left him and closed the door. The screams ended in less than 2 minutes. I was pleased to see an hour later that he actually fell asleep in his bed and not by the door.

I left the door cracked after checking with him. I wanted to see if he would realize he could open the door and walk out on his own. So imagine my surprise when he called to me and it wasn't just to open the door but to get him out of his bed. Um, sweetie, didn't you crawl into bed yourself?


So why don't you climb out yourself?

Why do that when you can just scream for mommy?

So my dreams of him waking in the middle of the night and coming to me rather than the other way around may be just that.

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