Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Unexpected

Well this was unexpected.

John had Little Man almost all weekend. Not that I was away. I went into mode. Going into mode can be dangerous. I'm sure you've received the joke about Adult ADD. You go to the mailbox to get the mail but you notice the car it dirty... yada yada yada. When I get in mode, I can end up living that joke. It started Saturday. John took Little Man to the park. I started going through clothes he had outgrown. I went downstairs to get a plastic tub to store the clothes in. Got distracted. I don't even remember what distracted me. Needless to say, the clothes still aren't put away.

So what did get done? Quite a lot actually. The wallpaper is gone from the living room (yes, wallpaper still exists much to my dismay, especially in my house). The wall is patched an almost completely sanded. The main floor was vacuumed - yes, I vacuumed and then sanded. Brilliant am I. The kitchen floor is washed. The dining room is clean although still not entirely void of some clutter.

The front lawn is devoid of some weeds. In order to get rid of all that have taken over, we will need to lay new sod down. I didn't get quite that far. The Moss Roses are planted. The hanging plants hung. The front porch and steps are swept. Overall it looks decent. Not perfect as there is still the crack in the porch to contend with but we are getting there.

The back deck is now void of all leaves. The furniture is rearranged and the hanging plants are well - hung. I've decided they will look better on stands then hanging from the fence but I was too sweaty and dirty to make a trip to the store at that point. Oh and the umbrella is back over the table. Finally.

I'm sore. I'm tired but I'm enjoying the fruit of my labor. Gotta love wireless. It allows me to sit out on the back deck with a glass of wine and my laptop. How did we ever survive before wireless?

Even bath time went a tad better than normal. But the best part of this entire weekend? Little Man spent so much time with Dad, when it came time for one of us to sit with him while he fell asleep - he asked for Daddy!

I was shocked. I was almost rendered speechless (damn hard to do. The kid is only 2 so he needs more practice). I did a mental happy dance and tried to keep the extreme glee out of my voice when I called John back into the room.

Do I dare hope? Do I dare believe that maybe, just maybe this Mommy Only Phase is just a phase and has an endpoint? Is it possible?

The Red Sox may have won the World Series and caused Hell to freeze over but there are still somethings that are in the Realm of Impossiblity. Tomorrow I will exit the Twilight Zone and go back to my "comfort" zone of being at Little Man's beck and call.

But tonight - tonight I will lock myself firmly in place and enjoy the last few moments of peace and quiet and wine.

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