Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mom is there for the first bloody nose. The first scraped knee. The first egg on your forehead. She picks you up. Cleans you up. Smothers you with hugs. Let's you know it will be ok and sends you on your way braver yet wiser until the memory fades and you give yourself a reminder.

She is there when Monster in the Closet threatens to come out. When the thunder rumbles. The lights go out. The bad dreams strike at 2 AM.

She is even there when you decide the paper provided is not a big enough canvas for your masterpiece.

She is there when you break her Waterford Vase. Literally. Meaning you don't get a chance to at least try gluing it back together.

She is there when you send a fireplace poker through a plate glass window.

She is there for your first heartbreak.

Your first fender bender. In her car.

She is there opening the door for you at 2 AM. Your curfew was 10 PM.

She is there through all of it. And even though she may occasionally threaten to send you into next week or to take you out the world entirely as is her right since she brought you into it, she stays by your side.

Sometimes you wonder why.

And then one day you go and have your own child. And you quickly realize that all her patience has paid off.

She now gets to revel in the fruits of her labor. She gets to sit back and watch you reap the karma you sowed.

Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you.

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