Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sleep Interuptus

Little Man no longer falls asleep easily. It takes him forever to fall asleep now. I had to work this afternoon so John put him down for his nap. I have no idea how long John sat with him before giving up and heading downstairs. I also have no idea how much time went by before John went back upstairs but when he did, he found Little Man passed out on the floor in front of the gate at the top of the stairs. He thinks the kid just fell over from exhaustion. He never made a peep when he left his room.

I sat with him tonight. 9:30 rolled around and he still wasn't asleep. I gave him a kiss. Told him I loved him and would see him in the morning. As I stood up, I said to myself "at 4 AM when you crawl into bed with me". I look over to see Little Man nodding quite emphatically in agreement. I really need to watch what I say in front of this kid.

I head downstairs to put together his stuff for tomorrow morning. I've literally just turned the corner from the stairs when I hear his bedroom door open and his little feet racing into our room. I decided it was John's turn (even though it was his turn pretty much all day). John just shrugged it off.

So I figured I'd chill for a bit before heading to bed myself. Honestly, I expected to find the kid curled up in my bed. I hadn't heard a thud so I know he didn't fall trying to crawl up. Maybe he finally figured a way?

As I was typing away here I did finally hear him cough - in his room. So maybe he tried and gave up? I'll be walking upstairs in a few minutes. I will be pleasantly surprised if he's actually IN his own bed and Sweet Mother help that child if he's swiped my pillow....


  1. Do you want me to send the Mommy Song Mp3? I will. Still works with pup...and I recorded it when he was three.
