Saturday, February 20, 2010

Paci-Free Zone

So Little Man moved from Toddlers to the Twos which made me happy. He's been taking "cooking" classes with them, more kids to interact with and he loves the toys (PLAY DOH!). What I wasn't aware of ? The Twos is a Paci-free Zone.


Now Little Man only gets his a nap time and bed time. He can't go downstairs until he puts it away but he still gets it at nap time. At least at home.

He adjusted well without it. He went down with a problem. When he woke the first day he was a little cranky. We'd get home and he would be asking for it but all easily diverted.

So we decided we would do away with the pacifier at nap time on the weekends as well.

Is anyone still keeping count? Anyone remember if the parents scored at ALL? 'Cause we sure as hell didn't score today. I tried. I really did. I explained how he doesn't get it during the week and it was the same at home. I tried the whole big boy routine. I tried sitting with him until he fell asleep. He cried. He screamed. He yelled. He pouted. He calmed a little and I walked out.

10 minutes later he is in our room doing what I don't know. 5 minutes after that he is at the top of the stairs crying, screaming, turning into a banshee. I tried cuddling with him. I tried soothing him. I gave up. Put him down for a nap at 1. At 2:30 he finally fell asleep. With his paci.

I feel for his daycare teachers on Monday. I'm not sure how things will go. Struck out today. I guess we'll try again tomorrow. I'm not sure yet. Time to regroup, rethink, change strategies.

There is no chocolate in the house.

1 comment:

  1. Remember? I took the scissors to pup's. Worked like a charm.

    Mommy, it doesn't work any more.

    Really? Hmm, must be broken.

    Damn child took it and threw it away on HIS OWN. Never looked back.

