Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Meltdown. Nuclear Meltdown. Tonight. So much fun.

I could see it start. Nothing was really making him happy and he was having trouble communicating. If I tried to talk to him, he'd get worse so I left him alone but instead of calming down, it escalated.

The dogs in the neighborhood were cowering in fear and pain.

My ears are ringing.

The little hearing I had...

My instincts told me to let him meltdown. To let him scream it out. So I walked out of the room.


Walk back in. Start to speak. Nuclear reaction engaged.

Walk out again. Call MY mommy. Tell me I'm doing the right thing. I am. No, it's ok. I'm actually calm about this. Take him upstairs? Easily done. Wait, he's calming.

Walk back in. Nuclear.

Ok munchkin. We are going upstairs just until you calm down.

What's after nuclear?

Carry him upstairs. Place him on his bed with the intention of giving him his paci. Sheer terror complete with full body trembles.

It's ok. I'm just getting paci.

Paci accepted. Clinging to me trembling in fear. Snuggle on the glider.

15 minutes later he's calm enough to ask if he wants dinner. Nuclear reaction back on track. It's ok. You don't have to. Mommy is not upset. Mommy is not angry. Sometimes we all just need the time to scream it out. I understand. We're on your schedule. Take your time. (repeat. repeat. repeat.)

Success. He understands.


Sure baby. Soup. How about a hot dog too?

"No. Soup."

Damn. Already made the hot dog during the first nuclear melt down. Could have sworn that would have worked.

Go downstairs.


Yes baby.

"Hot Dog?"

One step ahead of you baby. (Finally).

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