Monday, August 17, 2009

The How To and How Not To Entertain a Child... or maybe just How Not To...

Any parent will tell you, babies and toddlers love keys preferably your keys versus the fake plastic keys designed specifically for them. My son is no exception. Each day when I pick him up at daycare and put him in the car, I take my car key off the ring and hand him the rest. He entertains himself on the 3 minute drive home, helps lock the car, helps unlock the front door and occasionally plops down right in the middle of the doorway to continue playing with the keys forcing me to step over him.

So we are all in the car a few days back heading home from a day of errands. Little Man has had enough of the car and is becoming quite vocal with his discontent. In order to pacify him, I hand him my key ring.

The remote to my car has not worked for some years now. The remote on my key ring for my husband's car works perfectly. We were in my husband's car.

So here we are driving down the parkway at a good 55 MPH and the doors start to lock and unlock in an interesting rhythm. For some reason my husband is not as amused as I am so of course I rib him about it.

I'll paraphrase: "Um. Yeah. Real funny. Remote has a trunk button and a panic button. Parkway. 55 MPH. Trunk flies open and the panic button starts wailing and all the lights start flashing."

Taking a toy from my child is akin to taking food from a grizzly. I think I'd prefer the challenge presented by the grizzly. Thankfully this story ends without the above description coming to fruition and an attempt to explain to our lovely county cops why our car suddenly seems possessed.

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