Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Helping Stage - diverted

Little Man is loving his new table and chairs. So much so that cleaning up after each meal is extremely easy as he can get down from the chair himself and throw everything away.

And I mean EVERYTHING. First meal at the table was the paper plate. 2nd meal was the bib. 3rd meal was the plastic bowl. I am not sure what upset him more - the fact that I took the bib and the bowl out of the trash or that I was laughing so hard I was crying. Since he wasn't laughing, I couldn't claim the "laughing WITH you" defense.

He paid me back. He stopped throwing things out all together. At least with me. With dad, he was perfect. He would only throw away the paper plate. Everything else went on the counter. But don't worry, it didn't take long for dad to screw it up too.

Little Man steals daddy's cup and chugs most of the water. When done, he attempts to put the cup on the counter (which is still over his head) and since daddy's cup doesn't have a lid.....

Yup - water straight down on his head. I was not home for this episode but I was on the phone when it happened. I detoured around a RR track screw up in the time it took for him to stop laughing long enough to tell me what happened.

Needless to say, Little Man is now on strike with daddy too... you want it on the counter dude? YOU put it there. I'm DONE!

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