Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Evolution of Speech - Toddler Style

It is so exciting when your toddler surprises you with a new word. Especially when the child prefers Bla blu dohboo for everything. I did a happy dance when I figured out DUP was Yup and DOP was stop (although the tone requires improving on the last one).

My son favors his Bs and Ds so imagine my surprise when he smiled at me today, pointed at his little pearly whites and said, clear as day: "TEETH".

Ask this kid where his nose is and he will most likely point to his head. Ask him where his head is and the hands go up with a shrug. Feet he gets 99.9% of the time. To know teeth - I was not expecting that. I should have captured it on video as it will not happen again for at least five years. Unfortunately I am vehemently opposed to cell phone cameras/video.

I contain my desire to jump, shout, do cartwheels and make everyone in BRU tell me that yes, I have an incredibly smart child. The smartest in the world. Only because the toddler two carts over was eyeing my reaction; practically begging for a smart baby face-off and I think Little Man is still a tad too young for such fierce competition. I'm not positive but the girl may have been in at least one pageant already. Poor boy wouldn't stand a chance since she was near a toy that could double as a baton. Twirling is not his specialty and we weren't close enough to her for him to upstage her with his piece de resistance: swiping another child's toy while snickering AND giving a seriously wickedly evil glare.

Excitement contained, I quietly tell my son he did a great job and mama is oh so proud of him. As we move on to the next aisle, there is a slight kick to my step. I check the mental list for the next article, locate and present the first choice to my son.

He clearly and vehemently stated: "NO"

Not once, not twice, not even three times. Oh no, smartest boy EVAH said NO quiet clearly to every choice offered during our shopping trip with the exception of a Thomas the Engine book (which he is currently sleeping with).

I am now going to angle for the Award for Stating the Obvious:

I am so screwed.

I'm already starting to lose count but I believe we stand at:

Little Man: 3 Parents: 0

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