Monday, November 2, 2009

Exhaustion? Give Chocolate

Normally I dread the exhausted state. Especially on nights when when it is just me and Little Man. I picked him up late tonight and his eyes were as red as mine. It did not bode well; two of us having meltdowns at the same time? We haven't installed the padded room yet.

I bribed him at dinner time - I had him help me make the chicken. Defrayed meltdown #1. Defrayed meltdown #2 with some much needed chocolate (my meltdown). I thought we made a great dinner. Little Man thought it sucked. Meltdown #3 avoided with some cheese while I scratched my head (he tried, he hated, he gets a different meal). Avoided meltdown #4 with more chocolate. He avoided meltdown #5 by telling me he would have a waffle and a banana. Hey - what about the chocolate to go with?

Dinner done. He goes to dry my tears and gives me a "good job" pat instead when he finds my cheeks dry.

Work trucks RETURN to do God knows what. It is pitch black out. How the hell do you pave now? The sounds threaten to set off meltdown #6. I distract with puppy - not puppy as in his security blanket. Oh no. Puppy as in the huge, over sized stuffed animal I decided he just HAD TO HAVE on Sunday ($5 for this monstrosity - how could he not get it? Of course it was $5 if you spent X # of dollars. I am not stating what X equals and not because I failed algebra. I excelled at algebra and I am not stating how we got to X... toy trucks... ahem...Nerf balls... ahem... all things he HAD TO HAVE).

Nothing like having your little munchkin crawl up on the couch, grab puppy and curl up in your lap for one big massive snuggle session. He even managed to find room for puppy #1.

Which made me realize my naming schema for his stuffed animals has finally hit a speed bump (rhinoceros = rhino, monkey = monkey, puppy = puppy and puppy = hmmmm).

"So what's his name?" I ask, pointing to monstrosity puppy.


"What does puppy say?"


"So what's his name?"


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