Saturday, June 6, 2009


4 days away from my Little Man was painful. A phone call is not enough. I wanted to hug him, rock him and lay him to bed every night. Friday I managed to fight rush hour traffic and make it to the airport in record time but not record enough to catch an earlier flight. My scheduled flight will not have me home until midnight. That means I only get to look in on him, not actually hold him, hug him and kiss him.

I drag myself through the airport lamenting my misfortune when I realize a good portion of the travelers are men in uniform, mostly Army, one female. The vast majority are practically babies themselves, barely in their 20s. They are going. Not coming.

And I wonder, how many are leaving babies behind? How many are leaving pregnant wives behind? I was gone for 4 days. They will be gone for months. What right do I have to complain?

They have signed on the dotted line and by doing so, have agreed to give their life, if necessary, in defense of their country. They do this willingly. Our military is voluntary. They weren't drafted. They volunteered. Volunteered to dodge bullets, RPGs, and IEDs.

Their wives (and husbands) have volunteered to become single parents; to raise children alone; to convince the children that daddy (or mommy) is doing a very brave and wonderful thing but also trying to convince the children that daddy (or mommy) is not in any danger. While they themselves wake up every morning wondering if this is the day. They go to bed every night giving thanks that it wasn't.

My husband was a single parent for 4 days. I've done it for 2 weeks. Could either of us do it for 6, 12, 18 months? My husband and I are raising our son with no family close by but we have each other. How many wives (and husbands) are doing it alone with no family nearby?

Little Man woke me at 6:20 this morning with a huge smile and dancing feet. He draped himself over my shoulder, gave me a squeeze and then snuggled with me for at least 10 minutes. I kept hugging him and wouldn't let go. Because I could and not everyone can.

To those of you departing: be smart; be safe and come home in one piece. You'll have a lot of hugs to dole out upon your return.

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