Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mom is a genius

We arrived home this afternoon and did the usual: grab my stuff; grab Little Man; head into house to dump my stuff and listen to Little Man throw a tantrum because we aren't outside. I start to wonder if his memory just isn't that developed yet (we go outside every day after I put my stuff in the house) or if he associates tantrums with being allowed to go outside.

I refill my water bottle, check for keys and out we go. Since I didn't get to the polls this morning, we walk down the street to the polling station so I can vote and walk back. I planned on continuing our outdoor exploration when the skies started to blacken and the thunder rolled (for the 50th time today). National Weather Service lied again. The storm watch was supposed to end 30 minutes prior. So I snatch up the little guy and in the house we go.

Full blown tantrum. Arching back, flailing arms and legs, full throttle scream. Oh yippee. Try explaining to a non-verbal toddler that a thunder and lightening storm is not the time to be outside.

"I'm sorry sweetie but it is about to start lightening outside. That means we run the risk of being electrocuted. Electrocuted means electricy coursing through your body causing lots of pain and making your hairs stand on end".

"I understand completely mama. I'm sorry. We'll play quietly inside for the rest of the night".

Yeah, even the Twilight Zone couldn't conjure that one.

Distraction works for approximately 10 seconds and then he is back at the front door throwing a fit. I am running out of things to distract him with. My nerves are starting to fry and my head is starting its own rumbling when I am struck by an idea that is sheer genius. I am almost tempted not to write it down. I need to trademark this idea. The money I could make off this. Its incredible. Amazing. Awe inspiring.

Prior to the full-blown storm bearing down on us (read - no lightening yet), I pick up said flailing, arching child and take him outside. The wind gusts alone are enough to terrify him so we don't make it off the covered porch into the pouring rain.

Problem solved. He now understands why he can't play outside. He scampers off to continue his destruction of the living room.

60 seconds later he is back at the front door, arching his back, flailing his limbs and screaming full-throttle.