Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Miracle of Life

I've always heard people talk about the Miracle of Life; the overwhelming feeling when they first see their baby and how amazed they are that they created that little tiny life.

It was different for me when I first glimpsed Little Man. I did feel a rush of emotions. I was overjoyed at finally seeing my little baby. I had waited 9 months to find out if we had a boy or a girl; 9 months envisioning what the tiny little life inside of me would look like but I didn't feel the amazement that I had helped create that life. I am a little too logical, too scientific for that. Sperm met egg and biology took over. It is the natural course of things.

For me, the miracle is in watching him grow and learn. I find his little brain a mystery. How are his thoughts formed without words? What goes through his head when he sees his favorite ball? His security blanket? Me? His father?

The miracle is watching him learn he could roll over. The miracle was when he learned to crawl and then to walk. The miracle was him learning to communicate without words. He goes to the fridge when he's thirsty and the microwave when he's hungry (hey - I made all of his food. He was used to me warming it up in the microwave so of course he associates the microwave with food).

Every day I look at my son and I am amazed. Not amazed that I helped create the life but amazed at his growth. Each night, when I put him to bed, I look forward to what the next day will bring (and being woken up by a 20+ lb imp jumping on my chest, pulling apart my eyelids and then giving me a hug).

1 comment:

  1. So true--and it's going to be amazing in anotehr year the things he does that you NEVER would have imagined! Like poop painting!
