Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am the parent.

“Do NOT throw that phone”.

“Ma you take the fun out of everything” was the look I got in return; from a 16-month old.

Well . Then. FINE! …
He grabbed my finger and proceeded to lead me where ever his fancy took. Of course his fancy also involved glancing over his shoulder at me to laugh the entire time.

An irony not lost on me.

That mumbling is my latest mantra: I am the parent. I am in control. I am the parent. I am in control.

Control of what, I still don’t know.

But I am the parent. I am in control. I am the parent. I am in control.

I now have steel drums in my head.

I am the parent. I am in control. I am the parent. I am in control.

Someone pass me the Jack.

I am the parent. I am in control. I am the parent. I am in control.

I’m now dancing to this

I am the parent. I am in control. I am the parent. I am in control.


I am a parrot. I am in…