Sunday, July 11, 2010

When Procrastination is a good thing

Little Man has learned to switch up procrastination tactics when it comes to going to bed. The latest is to wait until he's been in bed about 10 minutes, pop straight up and claim the need to go potty. In the beginning it was just that - procrastination, a chance to delay bedtime. Slowly, over time, we got some results. I didn't push the issue. I'm wasn't positive he was truly ready to start potty training.

It took several weeks but I've finally realized his procrastination can work in my favor as well.

Last night he procrastinated with some minor results. This morning he woke me at 5 AM. Not to use the potty mind you but to help him find his damn precious paci which was sitting on the floor right next to his bed in plain sight. He then tried to take advantage of the situation to jump into bed with us. It was my morning to sleep in. I did not want to waste it but allowing him in bed with us would mean just that. He'd kick, elbow, headbutt and jump all over me. I made him stay in his room. My concession was I would stay with him. He countered that I would stay and he would sleep on the floor with me.

5 minutes late he pops up and declares a need to use the potty. I give up on my dream of sleeping in, shake the fuzzy feeling from my head and take him to the bathroom. The look of utter shock on his face when he heard and saw the steady stream was priceless. I had to cheer him on to keep him from freaking out. Up until this point, he thought using the potty meant a trickle.

I've also taken to showing him his diaper - see honey, you've already peed in your diaper. I don't know what made me do that but maybe it was a smart move.

I decided we would step things up a bit. He's I'm not ready for the Potty Booty Camp several of my girlfriends have completed with great success so I adjusted. Starting today, every 2 hours we would ask him if he needed to go potty. We wouldn't press the issue completely but we'd prod a little harder than we had. John got him on the potty once more in the morning (Yeah, I did manage to sleep in after all. Man I love my husband). Then we ran some errands. It was naptime when we returned. I changed his diaper and attempted to conjole him onto the potty. Zero results.

John stayed with Little Man when he laid down. Yup you guessed it. John plopped him on the potty et viola Success! Diaper was bone dry this time. Maybe, just maybe he's catching on.

Now to figure out the daycare issue. They only have "real" toilets for the kids. No potties (seriously would you want them to? I'm not asking ANYONE to clean up after my son to the extent). Of course my son doesn't like real toilets. He's a little freaked out by them. So if anyone has suggestions on how to work out that issue, I would greatly appreciate it. I've started something good here and I'd love to take full advantage. All the $$ I save in diapers could put a significant rise in the house fund and mama needs a brand spanking new kitchen.

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