Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fears realized

My neighbors have an infant. I finally caved last night and asked him if I could hold him. I've been fighting the urge since they first brought him home from the hospital because I was afraid and it turns out for a good reason.

I'm holding this sweet baby boy in my arms. He's smiling and cooing away. He snuggled into the crook of my arm and my heart melted while my mind starting crunching numbers trying to find a way we could afford 2 in daycare, diapers, and everything else.

Have you ever actually looked at Government accounting? I have. It makes ZERO sense in the real world. My number crunching made Government accountants look like geniuses, the kind that could have the entire world out of the recession in a month's time. But I've convinced myself I've based everything on solid economic principles.

Then their first born went into full-blown big brother mode and started teaching Little Man all sorts of cool things like throwing an object at the ceiling fan turning it into the ultimate projectile; like diving head first off the couch and diving safe into home plate and I was sold. Little Man was in heaven. What could be better than TWO marathon farters in the house (oops - 3. Forgot the man who taught Little Man all he knows)? Two children shaking their sippy cups sending milk flying? 2 children creating tidal waves in the bath? 2 children eating crayons? Oh and I would have poop finger-painting X 2 to look forward to. How exciting! Oh I can't wait for that! Where is that husband of mine?


  1. LOL---be brace. it is survivble--I think. Then they move onto very cool conversations and strange actions!
