Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cherished Moments

The Banshee returned at 3 AM for some unknown reason. I staggered into his room thinking to plug him up with a paci and back to dreamland I would go. One of these days I will learn to STOP thinking. Little Man is standing in his crib sucking away on his pacifier in between Banshee cries. My sleep-deprived brain remembers to scoop him up and snuggle but it forgets the snuggle must last a minimum of 5 minutes or Banshee morphs into the Hulk. The snuggle lasted about 10 seconds. As I lay my child back down he managed to sucker-punch me in the face while still half asleep.

Very effective child. Very effective. You just won yourself a night in mommy and daddy's bed with your knockout.

Which is never a good idea. Our bed is playtime for our son but I was too tired to do anything else and thankfully, so was he. He only launched puppy at my face 3 times before he gave up and moved on to daddy. He only stole blankets and kicked them off seconds later 5 times. He didn't jump on us, well at least not me. He didn't pry back eyelids. he did play but not for all that long. I would threaten him with his crib and he would lie on my pillow, smile sweetly at me and close his eyes. I had to threaten 3 times. The 3rd time I muttered the threat through the veil of a beckoning dream. When it finally occured to me that I had to follow through on my threat, Little Man was sprawled out on daddy snoring in almost perfect sync.

I awoke a few hours later to a tiny little body snuggled up against me clutching my finger and the temper tantrums and acting out from the past weekend flitted away into a black hole. These are the moments I live for. The ones I cherish above all else. When my son reverts back to his infant days and will actually curl up and snuggle his way to the Land of Nod with mama. It hurt to wake him. I wanted nothing more than to put my arm around him and go back to sleep but work screamed something about a mortgage payment so I took one last look at the sweet precious child curled up in my arm and did the unthinkable. I woke him.

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