Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Answers are never easy

I am a firm supporter of religious freedom. I believe all should be free to worship as they see fit without repercussion. This includes a staunch support for the separation of Church and State but a recent conversation has me wondering where the lines are.

I have always had a problem with those whose (apparent) sole reason for opposing gay marriage is because it isn't found in the bible; because it is against their religion. The key being THEIR religion. Your religion is not my religion so you may not dictate how I live my life based on your religion. Correct?

To me, it comes down to a basic human right. If two humans wish to marry, I believe that neither the Church nor the Government has the right to oppose them. But therein lies the conundrum. It is my BELIEF. Opinion does not equal fact. Belief does not equal fact. Hell, fact doesn't always equal fact (flat world anyone?). Do I have the right to slam my beliefs down another person's throat?

I guess the fact that we feel the need to have laws either way on something as personal as marriage is still beyond me. One's relationship with God is personal and sacred and cannot be legislated but a marriage can be?

If my beliefs are in conflict with your beliefs, where do my rights begin and your rights end?

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