Thursday, December 30, 2010

Potty Training Day One

7:50 AM: Little Man is out of his pull up. He's wearing his big boy underwear. He chose Thomas of course. After a brief explanation of what was expected of him today (no peeing or pooping in your underwear but accidents happen and today was to be a learning experience for all of us) we moved onto breakfast.

He's munching on a cereal bar. I'm making coffee and loading the dishwasher. John is doing his usual - bouncing between taking orders from me and from Little Man. Little Man turns whiny on us which is never pleasant first thing in the morning.

"I hurt daddy. I hurt".

How did you hurt yourself?

"I hurt".

You're not hurt honey. You're wet. You peed.

We haven't been awake for a full hour and we are already through our first pair of underwear and PJs. We've moved on to sweat pants of which the kid only owns 2. Once he's through those, I'll convince him that he doesn't want to wear pants today. A shirt and underwear is just fine.

Not even an hour into our day but he hit his first goal - he didn't freak out as I was expecting. 

At least I thought to bring the laundry basket downstairs with us. I have a feeling I'll be doing at least one load today....


  1. Good luck! Landon had a ton of accidents the first and second days in underwear, and then on the third day it all seemed to click...

  2. "That's what I needed to hear. Thank you! We are not even 2 hours into this and on pair #2. He didn't even flinch the second time. I had to tell him he was soaked. Underwear only now - no pants. Apparently the sweats were a bad idea as they absorb just like a pull up. :)"
