Friday, October 22, 2010

An Ugly Lesson to Learn

It is wonderful that children are such sponges.

It is not so wonderful that they are exceptional mimics.

I learned to control my language. Most of the time. I learned that swapping out the F bomb with OH CRAP wasn't quite good enough. I learned I say the word "stupid" quite a lot in reference to myself and that swapping it out with silly is acceptable because I also changed my tone and stopped being so hard on myself.

My sister taught me the trick of walking out of the room mid-tantrum and forcing a smile until it became natural. Once I was calm, I could calm my banshee.

I think before I speak much more now although I will always have work to do in that arena as I have a faulty filter. The Off button seems to be out of order a lot.

I preened at the transformation and patted myself on the back when I saw the positive effect it had on Little Man. Ah the sense of Pride.

Oh the fall.

Enter the Mimic Stage. Damn thing really needed to come with a parental warning: Warning to all parents. You are about to have all your faults and bad habits thrown full force in your face by your precious perfect little angel.

Little Man is slowly learning that whining and crying will not make Mommy or Daddy have a change of heart when he's told no. So he deals with it like an adult, more specifically like his adult mommy.

Cue huge sigh followed by "oh fine".

That's when he not over tired and has a somewhat calm demeanor. When he is lacking sleep and in anything but a calm demeanor he bypasses the sigh all together and shouts "FINE" quite succinctly.

I think I could have gone several more years before I had to have my own reaction played out to me when I don't get my way. It is not a pretty site and it kind of punctures the ego a bit.

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