Friday, October 8, 2010

Seriously Dude?

I'm not liking the current phase - the repeat everything mommy says in exactly the same tone.

Unless of course John just said something insanely silly and my response is "Seriously, dude?"

Sometimes its good to have an echo.

He's back to sleeping in our bed. I can't tell you when I screwed up. We were doing really well there when we came back from vacation. He would go to bed and stay there until morning. Somewhere along the line that stopped and I messed up royally. He woke up one night and came into our room. Instead of walking him back into his room, I pulled him into bed.

I don't remember doing it but he was lying next to me the next morning. My excuse is the rational part of my brain nudged my sleeping brain with a reminder how uncomfortable his floor is to sleep on. Not very rationale but we are talking about me.

Redhead. Goddess. My Universe. You are all nothing but peons here to amuse me.

Yeah, Karma's having a blast with me.

It is nice to wake up to a little face all scrunched up in a huge grin waiting for you to open your eyes so he can give you a kiss and hug.

Its even nicer when he grabs his dad's face with one hand so he can point his finger in his dad's face and state very seriously "Mommy's sleeping. No waking her up."

Now to get him to follow his own threats.

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