Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mom's Medicine

Little Man was sick last week so of course it means I was sick this week. He had a fever and a mild cough that seemed to kick in only at night. I had a fever and a cough that was 24 hours a day. It has caused severe abdominal pain which wouldn't bother me if it meant I was on my way to at least a 6-pack but no, I'm not that lucky.

I've also had trouble keeping down solids and some other nasty symptoms which wouldn't bother me if after 5+ days I was down at least one size but no, I'm not that lucky.

Why I ask? Why does the Universe hate me so? Why does Karma feel the need to visit me this way? Is one dress size too much to ask after a week of living on water, orange cream soda, and milk? Apparently slowly noshing on cheerios a few days into it to test the limits of my stomach was considered cheating. Well if that isn't the cruelest of rules.

There was a silver lining though. I woke up several mornings to find Little Man pressing his forehead against mine. I'd open my eyes to a big toothy grin and immediately be greeted with a kiss and a hug. Best medicine a mom can get.

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