Sunday, September 5, 2010

She Who Giveth...

Little Man refused to clean up his cars before bedtime tonight. I told him if he didn't I would take them away.

They were taken away.

Whew he has a set of lungs and am I the meanest mommy in the world.

He has to sit on the potty before bedtime. John tried very hard to get him off the potty but he insisted he wasn't done.

The last two nights he has actually pooped on the potty. This was a major milestone for us so he was rewarded with a ton of praise and a new car both nights.

Mommy took away 4 cars tonight. Mind you he has a huge collection.

Do you realize that lil imp was sitting on the potty trying to poop because he thought he would get another car? I have never laughed so hard in my life.

John finally gets him off the potty and he comes back into his room where I am waiting to put him in his pjs. He has somewhat gotten over the horrible treatment he suffered at my hands and decides he will talk to me.

"You no take my cars away mommy!"

Excuse me?

"You no take my cars away!"

I told you if you didn't clean up your cars I would take them away. Did you clean them up?

No answer and the hang dog look starts.

Yes I took you cars away and I will do it the next time you don't listen to me. Now lie down so I can put your diaper on.

Lil imp runs away.

Do you want me to take ALL your cars away?

He came back.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Keep strong, it's all for the right. I'm glad to see someone else being strict. I hate being the only mean mommy.
