Saturday, October 3, 2009

Finally one for the Win column

"BAH!" "Bah. Bah."

He is saying "bar" as in cereal bar. Not to be confused with Bah which is still my name. Daddy or Da he says with no problem these days. Ma, mama, mom, mother or any other variation thereof is still lost on this child. Apparently only a Bostonian can tell the difference between the two.

As I reach for the Must Have Item of the Century, Little Man grabs the kitchen towels to practice his ribbon gymnastics (you could hear dad screaming all the way from NJ). My attempt to get him to replace the towels was laughable at best.

"Do you want the cereal bar?"


"You have to put the towels back first"

Nah, I'm gonna run into the living room and promptly drop them on the floor there instead.

"Pick up the towels please"

Nah, I'm gonna leave them there and run into the dining room now.

Hmmm, Bah just used all 3 names. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Little Man returns to the living room and with a little more prompting, picks up the towels. I have him follow me into the kitchen and tell him to hang them up.

He hands them to me instead. Close enough in my mind so I hand him the cereal bar.

"Tank do"

WHOA! What was that?


Did you say THANK YOU? Without prompting?


Please and Thank You in one weekend?


Yeah baby. I love you too. More than you know.

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