Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fish House

Talk about an emotional roller coaster last night.

First I spent a good 20-30 minutes trying not to cry with Little Man. He woke around midnight and wouldn't go back to sleep. He had a horrible cough and complained of stomach pains. I kept a Tupperware container handy but luckily, didn't need to make use of it. He sat in his bed crying and there was nothing I could do. Well, the cough medicine helped the cough but the stomach pains had me a bit flummoxed.

This kid was so miserable he said no to coming into our room and sleeping in our bed. He just laid in bed crying "My stomach hurts mommy and I don't know what to do to make it feel better". I didn't know what to do either and was feeling like a failure.

A bottle of water later to help ease the cough and his stomach seemed to calm as well. Now he's feeling good enough to take me up on my offer to come sleep in our room.

I knew that was a mistake.

A bottle of water and pull ups do NOT mix. At least not with this kid.

I finally fall asleep sometime after 2 only to have John wake me at a little after 4. The poor kid had peed through. I'm trying to change him in his sleep but of course he wakes up. I try to send him to his room so I can strip our bed and remake it but he decides he must help. Surprisingly, it went must faster. Less than 30 minutes later we are all climbing back into bed. Less than 30 seconds later my darling son is having a temper tantrum because I asked him to scoot over and give me some room on the bed.

Excuse me but didn't I stay up with you? Didn't I try to make you feel better? Didn't I just change you out of soaking wet pjs? Didn't I let you sleep half on top of me because you weren't feeling well and all the while - coughing in my face? This is how you pay me back? FINE! Here - you may have the WHOLE bed. Well at least the whole that is my half.

And off in a huff I go to the basement completely regretting ever giving up the guest bedroom for his playroom. Incredibly mature, I know but what do you expect on 2 hours of sleep?

2 hours later and I'm still awake. I figure it is enough time for my boys to be deep asleep and sure enough they are both snoring loud enough to be heard at a Metallica concert.

2.5 hours later and I'm up yet again changing Little Man out of another set of PJs and stripping my bed. Last set of sheets so I guess we are up for the day.

I'll admit I wasn't really looking forward to this day considering how it started but off we go to get Little Man some breakfast and the adults some espresso. Little Man comes up to me holding his place mat.

"Look Mommy - it has lots of maps".

Yes dear. It is a map of the United States.

"It's lots of maps Mommy".

Yes dear. It shows all the States. Do you remember which State you live in?

"I live in my fish house."

Mulligan accepted. I can face the day.

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