Friday, April 23, 2010


You get so excited when your child says his first word. Its wonderful to realize soon your child will be able to communicate in ways other than crying. Of course it isn't always so cool when he learns "no" but it's inevitable. So is the dreaded "why". Anyone who has spent 5 minutes with a child of a certain age quickly realizes how a parent can dread that particular stage.

Why is the sky blue? Why can't I drink coffee? Why can't I color on your sheets? Why why why why WHY?

Thankfully we have not hit that stage yet. I will admit I use the would sparingly in a lame hope to avoid it all together.

We've hit another stage; another phrase. Granted my poor husband takes the brunt of it as we are still in the Mommy Only phase but he can't blame me for this. At least, I don't think he can. I'm not sure. It's kind of fuzzy. Maybe he can.


So I have to wonder, given the choice between the two, which would my husband prefer to deal with?

His response was to pick the Why Phase as he thinks he would have fun with it and annoy our poor child until he got bored and went away. Filing this one away and will revisit in a year or so. Of course at that point, I'm hoping he'll be in his Daddy Only phase so Mr. Man cannot escape Little Man.

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