Thursday, April 22, 2010


Children learn by observing and by repetition. Monkey see. Monkey Do. Monkey hear over and over again, Monkey will say. It's how I know what phrases I over-use. My latest?

You come back here RIGHT NOW!

A perfectly acceptable phrase for any parent to use.

Not so acceptable when used by a 2 year old aim at the parent. Now I'm trying to explain to this child that screaming such things at mom is unacceptable behavior.

Because we all know Do As I Say Not As I Do is a wonderful teaching method with a huge success rate. So successful I really didn't need to add in the laughter when commencing the lecture. I know. A little on the overkill side but I thought combining 2 very successful methods together would guarantee my success.

Ya'll are with me on this right?

1 comment:

  1. Pup tried that..I lifted an eyebrow at him and said, think that works on ME? You can't keep me safe. My job is to keep you safe.

    You'd be amazed at how fast that battle ended..and yes, he understood. LOL

    And yes, agreed.
