Friday, March 12, 2010

Regression Part 2

I walked into the bedroom to find Little Man standing next to the bed chatting away with daddy who was... reading. He has a kid talking his ear off and he can still read. I am so impressed. I crawled into bed with Little Man right behind me. It took him all of 2 seconds to commandeer my pillow. After a small scuffle, I managed to reclaim it. Lost my suduko book in the process though. While I was getting comfortable, the little imp stole my pen and proceeded to color all over a puzzle I had yet to do.

"I ca-ler mommy"

Yes dear.

"Look mommy - I ma'ke it!"

Yes dear but please not on the puzzle.

Repeated this conversation word for word 10 times before I finally smartened up and handed him a magazine I was done with. I get to work on my puzzle while he goes to town on the magazine using my stomach as his desk. Once I finished I told him it was time for bed.

"No mommy. I ca-ler"

No dear. It's bed time.

"No. I ca-ler"

Ok. Fine. You want to color, you go color in your room. Mommy is going to sleep.

"'NUFF Mommy. I CA-LER"

Excuse me? Body having minor convulsions holding the laughter in.

"NUFF Mommy. NUFF! "

It's John's fault. He uses "enough" with the kid all the time. Does it come back to bite him? No. It comes back and bites me.

A few hours later I end up getting kicked in the ass. Kid sleeps for all of 2 hours and ends up puking. In our bed.

I learned my lesson early on. I own at least 6 sheets for his bed and 3 waterproof mattress pads. FOR HIS BED. I own one non-waterproof mattress pad for our bed and two sets of sheets. 3 AM and I am doing laundry. 3:30 AM and we are both curled up on the floor in Little Man's room. 4 AM I am switching loads while the boys are fast alseep. I forgo any possibility of more than the 2 hours of sleep I've had and use my time productively. I'm almost caught up with Lost.

Have the poor kid up at 7 AM to go to the doctors. By 9 AM he and dad are passed out on the couch. He wakes before noon but I get him to snuggle with me and he goes back down until almost 3.

I've had 2 hours of sleep. John managed a nap today. I rather stupidly worked from home. Little Man is now watching Cars while John is asleep on the couch. I did manage 10 minutes around 3. I fell asleep in the middle of typing an email. Thankfully I didn't hit Send in my sleep. I had to delete a lot of errant "k's".

If my brain were functioning better I'd be able to explain why Karma was kicking my ass today. Wait - John's awake! Gotta run. Got me some napping to do!

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