Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Bane of this Generation

When we were children the most embarrassing thing one's parents could pull out was the dreaded naked baby picture and embarrassing stories but they were normally reserved for the first significant other brought home or to knock the child down a peg or two when cockiness got out of hand. Then came the Internet and with it social networks and blogs bringing a whole new level of embarrassment to the next generation. Picture, if you will, a child born in 2008. Now picture this child 40 years in the future running for office.

Politicians of this age deal with issues of Religion, ethics violations, tax returns, citizenship, number of divorces, and whether or not they inhaled. Most issues going only as far back as college. The generation coming up could potentially have their entire lives laid bare from the moment they were conceived for all the world to see thanks to social media and blogs.

There's a reason the warning stands: don't post anything online you wouldn't want on a billboard in Times Square. Unfortunately for my son's generation, family members who do adhere to that adage usually only adhere to it in relation to their own (mis)deeds.

Ever try to expunge something from the Internet? Yeah, me neither. There truly is something that is impossible. Part of me looks forward to those election years. They could prove to be much more entertaining the the recent ones I've lived through.

So will this foreknowledge change anything? Nope. In 200+ years, this country has seen 44 presidents. Statistically the odds are not in any child's favor. But add on members of Congress, Cabinet members, Political appointees, CEOs and a myriad of other high profile positions available and the statistics lean a sliver more in favor.

BUT not enough to stop me from laying bare all sorts of embarrassing things about my darling son which I find absolutely hysterical:

Little Man's conversation with his father the other night consisted of informing Daddy that he needs to get sleep so he can grow big and strong and when he gets older he can drink ginger ale and beer. He then commences to watch Super Why. On this episode they were discussing following directions which Little Man immediately translates into "following erections".

Tonight's conversation? Well, I'll just paste in the email I received as I was leaving the office tonight:
"Little Man told me his penis was magic. I told him where did he hear this, and he told me he heard it from himself."

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