Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Security Blankets 2.0

Potty training has been interesting time. As I've said from the beginning, boys usually potty train between 3 and 4 with the majority closer to 4. From day one, Little Man was, for the most part, pretty predictable with milestones. What ever the average time was for a child to hit the milestone, add 2 weeks and he would hit it. So I figured he would achieve full potty-training 2 weeks after his 4th birthday. That means I have approximately 2 more months of purchasing pullups.

He's had the whole peeing in the potty down for quite awhile and I never once had to resort to the cheerios in the toilet. His aim was perfect from day one. His patience and ability to wait until he was completely done.... that took a little bit. Yes. I bought Clorox wipes and Swifter wet refills in bulk.

He has even (finally) mastered the whole knowing when he needs to poop. That was cause for some major celebration in this house.

Shit we need to get a life.

So all that was left was getting him through the night. The last hurdle. The one thing between us and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

Unfortunately that last hurdle appeared to have the height of the Mt Everest and the width of the Great Wall of China. Can't get over. Can't get around. And no, tunneling under was never an option. I'm claustrophobic.

And its just pullups. We've suffered through worse stages and there will be worse to come (Military school will remain a viable option until he realizes I can't afford the tuition).

And then the unthinkable happens.

This kid has woken up dry 13 nights in a row. A day shy of a full two weeks. It is amazing. It is shocking. I feel the need to throw a shred party so I can tear up the remaining pullups. I can save MONEY! Kiddo you can sleep in underwear. You've done it!

That noise you heard was my darling son slamming the brakes on that idea.

Get rid of my pullups? Sleep in my underwear? Are you NUTS woman? Have you lost your mind? No way in HELL.

I never knew pullups could double as a security blanket.

So we are down to two pullups. I have two nights to convince this kid that it is ok to let go and move on. And if I fail miserably the adult thing to do will be to tell him if I have to keep buying pullups I wont' be able to buy Christmas presents....

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