Sunday, July 10, 2011

Penis Boy

You are supposed to be refreshed after vacation. I am still exhausted all the time and going to bed early every night - a side effect of having a young child in the house, especially one you haven't taught how to tell time and his cue to come into your room is when the sun comes up. To think I was so proud of myself when I came up with that one. Brilliant lady.

Having a 3 year-old with an exploding vocabulary and a developing story-telling ability means I spend a lot of times with a weird (at least from his perspective I am guessing) grin on my face as I attempt to take him very seriously and not bust a gut in front of him. I've been accused of laughing at him and have yet to be successful explaining the concept of laughing with him since he isn't actually laughing.

A few examples:

"Mommy can you open these?"

What do you say?


Please beautiful mother

"Stop That!"

"And who was the guy who talked about the seals?"

The lady who told us about the seals?

"Yes. What's her name?"

I don't remember.

"Her name is the seal guy-lady."

 While reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas:

His Heart was too small baby. Is your heart small?


Do you have a big heart?

"No I have numbers" pointing to the letters on his shirt.

And then there are the strange things he likes to take to bed with him. Most children want a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. Last night my son chose his spaceship clock because a hard plastic object is great for snuggling.

Mommy why do pterodactyls have wings to fly? Why do dinosaurs have feet to walk? Why do fish swim?

Have you seen Kindergarten Cop? If you have you know what transpired.

"I can do it. I'm a big boy. And you have a penis mommy. You can do it".

Mommy doesn't have a penis. Mommy is a girl. Boys have penis and girls have vaginas. Oh crap. Did I really just say that.

"No mommy you have a penis. I've seen it. It is right there"

Yes, he started to reach. Do you know how difficult it is to jump back when seated cross-legged on the floor while choking on laughter?

No honey, mommy has a vagina.

"No you have a penis. I see it! You have pee up there!"

I had to go into ninja mode that night. Any time he thought I was headed to the bathroom he tried to follow so he could show me where my penis was.

"Your penis is hiding mommy"

"Mommy (giggle giggle) you are Penis Boy!"

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