Friday, January 7, 2011

Potty Training Revisited

(I forgot to post this yesterday)

I think it is time for humankind to make another evolutionary jump. First you’ve got this whole teething debacle. I know, I just skipped the whole birthing process but since I had a c-section, I can’t properly rant on that one. So I’m starting with teething. Teeth are a good thing. We need them. Pain signals something bad; something wrong. So why the hell does teething hurt? Explain that one to me.

Then we move up to potty training. Again another necessity; another item to put in the Its Good column. Does it come naturally? Hell no. We have to learn it and the entire process can take 6 months. If you are lucky. Yeah, we just had to walk upright and start using those opposable thumbs of ours didn’t we? Think of how easy we would have it right now if we didn’t. Feel the need to go? Lift a leg wherever you are baby!  And we call it Progress. HUH!

Monday I sent Little Man to daycare with 5 extra pairs of underwear and pants. I got them all back pee soaked. He knows when he needs to go, he just refuses to say anything. According to his teacher, she would ask him. He would say no and then he’d walk over to a corner, crouch down and weeee…

Monday night I did laundry and sent the same outfits back. They are sitting in the exact same bag in the exact same spot they were put in Tuesday. He had one accident on Tuesday – he told his teacher after he pooped but in the grand scheme – he had a great day. I was cheering him on so much you would have thought he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now mind you, we started our morning at 5 AM. By 6 his underwear, jeans, and my rug were soaked so it is obviously ME.

I’ve been loosely following the Potty Boot Camp plan as I know many who were successful with it. Well that has not been completely tossed out the window. As soon as we got home I reminded that child over and over and over to let me know when he needed to go. He let me know all right – by peeing all over my rug.

I picked him up last night from daycare and he had ZERO accidents. Ms. Christina was taking him to the potty every 40-60 minutes. Grocery shopping was a necessity. The pantry and cabinets are starting to echo. I told Little Man we had to go grocery shopping so he had two choices. He could go potty right now before we left or I could put him in a pull up. He immediately chose to go potty and off we went. We made it through the grocery store without incident. We even made it home and put all the groceries away without incident. I did get him to sit on the potty twice last night but involved a bit of bribery.

At bedtime last night, he walked right into his bathroom with no cajoling from either parent and went potty. He also went this morning before we left without bribery. I won’t say without cajoling but at least it didn’t involve bribery.

I will leave you with the highlight of the week which occurred this morning as I was trying to get ready for work:

“Mommy where’s your penis?”

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