Saturday, August 28, 2010


Vacation - a respite, time away from work devoted to leisure and/or pleasure.

I had almost forgotten what a true vacation was but then I boarded a plane and flew back to New England; specifically, New Hampshire and spent 9 glorious days in the White Mountains. Little Man reveled in new discoveries - racing a toy motorcycle around the fire pit, kicking a ball off the hill, watching the butterflies flit among the wildflowers, and long walks.

There is a Glider Port nearby. Its a club but they take folks up on the weekends. Little Man started to sound like Tattoo but instead of "Da Plane! Da Plane!" we got "The air pa-lane! The air pa-lane!" every time the tow plane flew overhead.

18 years ago my acrophobic mom went up in a glider. My first Saturday in the White Mountains and my claustrophobic, control freak ass went up - in the exact same one mom did. The views are awesome at 5K feet and peaceful. Very peaceful. Unfortunately there weren't any hikers on the ridge of Lafayette for us to buzz.

Every time we drove by the Glider Port after my ride he would point to the glider and exclaim: "Mommy you airpah-lane". Thankfully he didn't expect me to try to bring it back to Virginia with us.

We also took Little Man back to the fainting goat farm, Wonder Falls. This time he actually petted the goats. Marla is an absolute genius when it comes to kids. She held up one of the baby goats and asked Little Man to show her his ears then his nose. In no time he was petting the goat. He even fed them which resulted in them following him around and him yelling "NO MO FOOD!" at them.

Bordeaux the llama was a different story. It took a good 10-15 minutes before he would feed her a dandelion which she did not like but he wouldn't touch her. Once he got his courage up; however, Bordeaux had moved on and decided she wanted nothing to do with him and his lousy dandelions.

Then we headed over to Franconia Notch. I love the notch but it is painful to drive through there. The Old Man is no longer and it is still weird not to see him. I can't help but look. Who'da thunk I'd miss a hunk o'rocks that much. The Flume is still beautiful though and Little Man found a new fascination - waterfalls. Getting to this one though proved to be a tad boring for him so I resorted to his other fascination - planes. And so he went...

John and I also took a night to ourselves. We had originally discussed dinner and a movie but that is just too cliche for me. So I came up with a sunset horseback ride. Mind you, I haven't been on a horse in almost 20 years. John hasn't been on one in over 20 years.

John's horse was content to follow mine. Not a good thing would be an understatement. The first time I got comfortable in the saddle, my horse (Carlos) decided it was time for a nice run. Thankfully Buddy was not of the same mindset. Once we moved out of the field and into the woods, Carlos found another way to mess with me - walk on the absolute farthest edge of the trail and put me in the trees. Unfortunately Buddy was good with that. While I spent most of the ride trying to explain to Carlos that no one can out stubborn me, John spent his ride getting beaten by pine branches and cursing up a storm.  Carlos and I finally came to an agreement and John got his payback. Did I mention I hadn't been on a horse in almost 20 years? I did great considering right up until it was time to dismount. I proceeded to do it my normal way 20 years ago. Swing my right leg over and slide down. Except I was in a western saddle. For the first time ever. The stirrup was not exactly where I expected it to be and my damn heel caught it sending me sprawling face first into the dirt. In front of several people. Still not sure my ego has recovered.

But enough about me. It's time for some quotes from Little Man.

John is trying to wake me up and I'm ignoring him so he starts whispering to Little Man. Turns out he's trying to get Little Man to say Go Yankees. THAT woke me up and it took me seconds to turn it into BOO Yankees. Not to be out done, John bided his time and the SOB, I mean love of my life even got it on freaking video - Little Man saying Go Yankees. ARGH! I am so going to make him pay for that!

Then there was dinner the other night. Mom stepped outside to call my sister.

LM: Where's Ahma?

Me: Calling your Aunt.

LM: Calling my aunt?

John: Yes, she's calling your Ant.

LM: No daddy. Not ant. AUNT.

Love my boy.

Oh and you know that saying Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt? Apparently I needed reminding. I was wrestling with Little Man and he managed to accidentally scratch my eye. He missed the iris. I think. At least my vision isn't affected but damn does the socket hurt sometimes. I went into the bathroom to rinse my eye. Little Man followed me. He asked what was wrong and I told him my eye hurt.

"It hurt mommy? Your eye? It broken mommy? You broke your eye?"

Yeah kiddo. I broke my eye.

But the greatest came from my mother.

Ahma to Little Man: Why are you so loud?

Me: Why do fish live in the water?

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