Monday, February 4, 2013


This marks the 4th week of moving back to Massachusetts.  Talk about alignment. My company has one location south of the city. My family has since left the city for the South Shore. My perfect job opened up in that one location right when I was beginning to feel like I would never be able to find a way back. My dream job in my (semi) dream location and they pay for the relocation. Apparently I have done something right.
Nope. It is just Karma’s way of playing with me.
I moved in with my mom. Temporarily – I swear. She’s gotten to see firsthand how right I was when I said I should have named Little Man Karma instead. She switches between giggling like a school-girl and cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West.
And there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it because she definitely earned the right to respond this way.
The trip up to MA was uneventful. Little Man entertained us both with his Leap Pad (I still have the damn “Punctuation” song in my head). My sister provided a great stopover in the Catskills. Little man was introduced to a Wii for the first time and proved quite adept. He even managed to kill Yoda. Not sure what kind of Universal Karma he brought down on himself but I’m arguing extreme innocence. Redhead. Goddess. My Universe. I should be able to provide the kid some protection.
He even managed to be in the same room as a poodle (poodle, not miniature poodle – a big, black, curly beast that also happens to be a pretty damn cool) without a nuclear meltdown.
So all in all this adventure is off to a good start. Even his first few days at a new school went amazing well. The school allowed me to stay as long as I wanted on his first day to help with the transition. I spent almost an hour with him and his classmates.  I almost asked for a job there. 4 & 5 year olds are so much fun to hang with and their teacher gives them the coolest ideas. She let them decorate cardboard boxes as race cars. The boys held them up around their waists and raced all over the room with them.  I don’t remember being able to do things like that.
And then Karma arrived. Or was it Murphy and his damn law? Hell it was probably both of them teaming up on me.
Mom’s house has very dry heat. Little Man and I both had chapped lips and bloody noses. Only difference between the two is I know not to pick. My kid on the other hand, picked so bad his lips were a bloody mess; such a mess that his lips were sealed shut by dried blood each morning. By the time I cleared away the blood, each lip looked like one massive cold sore and they stank.
So here we are, my first day of work and I’ve got a kid with infected lips. There is no way I can send him to school.  When I asked my mom if I could move in with her temporarily it wasn’t so I would have a built-in babysitter. It was so I didn’t have to stress about finding a short-term rental in an insanely short period of time. I’m not even at her house for a full week and I’ve got to ask her to babysit for me.
Then I have to scramble to find a doctor for my kid. That actually proved to be pretty easy and they are able to fit him in the next day.
Day two of my new job and I have to leave early to take my kid to the doctor.
Kid’s lips aren’t infected. Yay! But what is up with the stench? Oh, he has Strep. Not that he has complained about a sore throat, fever or any other symptom.
Hey mom – can you now babysit for several days?
Sheesh I’m going to have to sign my first-born over to her at the rate I’m going except for the fact that I tried to sell him to her last night but she wouldn’t bite and the kid complained that I was hurting his feelings. Sarcasm kiddo. Sarcasm. Learn it. Live it. Love it. Especially if you want to survive this family.
All of this and I’m getting up at 4:30 every morning.  Exhaustion anyone? I have plenty of it to loan out.
Welcome home.

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