Friday, December 7, 2012


Ah the conversations one can have with a small child. They do turn on you pretty quickly. Little Man has it in his head that he needs to go to Disney Land. I have no idea who placed this idea in his head but thankfully I can, on occasion, think quickly on my feet. I told him we would go but not for a few more years. It can be very crowded and very loud. 2 things you really don't like my son.

This segued quickly into a conversation on fears. As we discussed his, he asked about mine. While I answered honestly I did not divulge too much (can't give the kid too much ammunition you know). Apparently my fears weren't juicy enough so he jumped to Daddy's fears.

For the life of me I couldn't think of a thing. I drew a complete blank. While I like to think I'm married to the ultimate fearless He-Man, reality does kick in every now and then. He has to be afraid of something but what? Little Man is badgering so I need to think quicker. As I glance upstairs (since John is asleep), I remember Little Man's horrible tumble down the stairs. So I tell him how scared Daddy was the day he took his tumble. I explain that is the reason we still aren't very keen on him playing anywhere near the stairs no matter how hard we try to be rational.

My darling child responded with: "Oh that's OK Mommy. I was just practicing my Baby Circus Tricks".

And then came the conversation that occurred a few short hours ago; a conversation between John and me that Little Man overheard. The crux of the conversation was a little heavy for such a small child and I didn't want to cause concern so I broke with "Pssst. I love you".

"Mommy, you need to stop saying that".

"Nope. Never. I want you to know that I love you and always will. I never want you to doubt that Daddy and I love you. I may not always be happy with you and I may not always like what you do but I will always love you, no matter what".

He replied with a scrunch of the face and a roll of the eyes: "Pfft... yeah..."

As I told a coworker of mine today. I misnamed him.

His name should have been Karma.

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