Thursday, June 3, 2010

A is for Ant

Little Man likes to move the magnetic letters from the fridge to the front door and back. They were accidentally left on the front door the other day. Added a nice touch to the front of the house - along with the pin wheel he won't let me remove from the garden (my sister is going to LOVE that - story for another time). I moved them back to the kitchen table this morning before someone decided to superglue them to the columns on the front porch. Ok, so maybe I'm the neighbor that would think to do that.

Little Man wanted dinner tonight but he didn't want Mommy to waste time actually cooking it as he prefer it magically cook itself so I could play with him. Toys are not allowed in the kitchen, especially when I am cooking so I distracted him by asking him to put the letters back on the fridge.

He would pick up a letter and ask me "what's that?"

A and A is for....?


Good job.

This progressed for each letter as he put them back. Every now and then he would stumble on coming up with a word that started with the letter he was holding and I would have to supply one.

"What's that?"

P and P is for....?

Blank stare.

Scrunches brow. Gears are spinning.

Shrugs. Gives up.

P is for Perfect.

"MOMMY!" and runs to give me a hug.

Damn skippy child!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Keep up with that kind of holds thru K so far too :D
